Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Internal Skin Care Treatment from Nature

Since long time has known that beauty skin care needs external skin care treatment and internal skin care treatment. External skin care treatment can be reached with cosmetic usage and internal skin care treatment from foods. For internal skin care, Nicholas Perricone, M.D. in The Wrinkle Cure suggests 5 ingredients for internal skin care treatment:

  • Olive oil
    Olive oil is rich of good fat and antioxidant. Olive oil is natural emollient that keep your skin face refine and moist. Used for sautéing, salad flavor or pasta.
  • Melon
    Eat ½ cup of cantaloupe helps to overcome dry skin. Cantaloupe is rich of betacaroten that helps to keep skin health and moist. According to Dr. Perricone, eat cantaloupe for dessert in the night make skin seems better in the morning.
  • Soybean
    Drink 1 cup of soybean milk gives enough estrogen for body to stimulate connection network and skin regeneration.
  • Seafood
    Try salmon and halibut. Both are rich of omega-3 fatty acid that helps to moist skin and prevent skin chips clog the pores.
  • Nut
    Eat 2 spoons of walnut or almond (can be bought in supermarket) several times a week make your face health and beam. Nut contains essential fatty acid that keeps skin cells flexibility, cells liquid and its flexibility. Healthy skin cells make your skin health and beam.

Natural skin care treatment for sensitive skin
Often exploded by elements can make your skin became sensitive. To calm irritation and help to cure red cheek, try warm compress with chamomile tea (can be bought in supermarket). Chamomile contains azulene, compound that can tranquilize your skin. The way is pour boiling water into 2 cups of thick chamomile. Let it became warm. Plunge the scrubbing towel into the tea. Press its excess water and compress to your face for 3 minutes. Repeat 3 times.

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