Choose the Sunscreen as Skin Care According to Your Skin Type
UVC, UVB and UVA lights
Sunshine before 09.00 a.m. is good for your skin, but after 09.00 until 15.00 a.m., that isn’t good. It contains 3 kinds of UV lights, UVC, UVB and UVA. Almost all of UVC be absorbed by ozon layer, but artificial UVC can be emerged by lamp that has mercury content in it, xenon and germicidal lamp. UVB influences external skin layer so your skin will produce melanin (skin protection and dye substance), so it became darker in color. When your body doesn’t enough more to produce melanin, sun burn will happen. Fortunately, UVB isn’t strong enough to penetrate the glass. But when you are outside, UVA can penetrate your skin until dermis layer, under external skin layer, the place which collagen is present. Beside can cause skin damage, UV light also can cause cataract to your eye.
How to choose sunscreen
Two factors you can consider to choose the appropriate sunscreen are SPF (sun protector factor) and your skin type.
The way to choose the correct SPF you need is to know how long time your skin start became florid (sun burn symptom) when under the sunshine. Take an example it needs 30 minutes, so if you choose SPF 15, you will get sunlight protection in 15 X 30 = 450 minutes. Commonly, if you often work in the room, you need SPF 15 but if you do many outdoor activities, you need SPF 30.
May be you ever heard people called sunscreen and others called sun block. Sun block (contains titanium dioxide and zinc oxide) physically bounces back UV light and must be dabbed more thick. While sunscreen or sun filter (usually contains avobenzone and benzophenone) chemically will absorbs UV light and enough to dab it thinly. - Skin type
Oily and pimply skin or when someone in puberty phase, better to choose lotion or gel and anti-acne sunscreen. While dry skin, more than 40 years old and often in AC room, better to choose cream sunscreen product. When do exercise or outdoor activity choose lotion, gel or syringe form.
Be careful when choose sunscreen that equipped with moisturizer, whitening and vitamin because active substance of this kind of sunscreen will work more fast so it will has more short usage time. Don’t use again if there are changes in color, smell and shape, but if only change in form, for example if melt, you can prior to save it in refrigerator before use it.
The correct way to use sunscreen
You should use sunscreen at least 0.5 hours before go outdoor, because the active ingredient in sunscreen, even the waterproof ingredient is need time to be absorbed by the skin. The sunscreen use also must be repeated.
For daily use, you can dab your moisturizer, wait 10-20 minutes, then use sunscreen, wait 20-30 minutes again, then you can dab your face powder. When you repeat to use sunscreen, first dry your sweat, wash face if needed, dry it, dab your sunscreen and wait 20-30 minutes before face with sunshine again.