Saturday, May 5, 2007

Superstar Antioxidants for Skin Care, Prevent Aging and Danger Diseases

Since 1956, has known that oxidative stress causes free radicals production that became main contributor of aging and disease. Free radicals are produced when someone experiences: heavy disease, intensive sport and environment pollution explode. The excessive oxidative stress often flooded the body natural antioxidant. By have a role as electron donor, antioxidants like vitamin A, C and E neutralize the danger free radicals. This is important because this free radicals is not only good for our skin care (fight against aging), the excessive free radicals production also become the cause of almost all diseases, include Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, diabetes and hypertension. Next, some super antioxidants that give good synergy if added to main effective antioxidants: vitamin A, C and E.

  • Alpha lipoid acid (ALA)
    ALA increases vitamin A, C and E strength, also important regenerator of glutathione, one of important antioxidant. ALA that dissolves in fat and water take actions inside and outside of the cell. ALA will cure diabetes, cancer and heavy metal poisoned, also have an important role for our skin care because it will prevent aging. ALA decreases lipid peroxide, an important measure of oxidative stress and aging.
    Dose: 100 mg, 2-3 times a day.
  • Green tea
    Green tea contains main antioxidant called polyphenol. Green tea has merit as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic. Hundreds of studies show that green tea has chemopreventive toward lung cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and esophageal cancer. Green tea also can prevents heart disease, hypertension and high cholesterol. Epigallocatechin (EGCG) in green tea is useful to person with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Green tea also helps to reduce body weight.
    Dose: 1-3 cups a day and for extract supplement of green tea with total content of 80% of polyphenol and 55% of EGCG, drinks 300-400 mg/day.
  • Pycnogenol
    Pycnogenol came from casuarina tree (French Maritime). Flavonoid in pycnogenol will treat Alzheimer, atherosclerosis and high cholesterol. Pycnogenol can prevents heart attack and stroke with offered save alternative for they who can’t drink aspirin. Pycnogenol also prevents aging with improve bone marrow and immune in animal experiments.
    Dose: 50-200 mg/day.
  • Astaxanthin
    Astaxanthin is a kind of carotenoid that has many restorative powers as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and can fight against diseases. The antioxidant power is 100 times bigger than vitamin E and can fight against some diseases, especially cancer and peptic ulcers. Astaxanthin gives protection toward oxidative stress of UV light, key factor of skin cancer.
    Dose: 1 soft gel of 1 mg, 2 times/day with food.
  • CoQ10
    CoQ10 not only help to prevent heart disease, but also can help the ill heart. The deficiency of CoQ10 can signs an early Parkinson.
    Dose: 30-100 mg/day.
  • Glutathione
    Deficiency of glutathione is found in almost all diseases, include atherosclerosis, diabetes and stomach inflammation disease. Glutathione is popular with its ability to increase immune function, also as effective antioxidant.
    The glutathione function that disturbed has an important role in hypertension disease.
    Glutathione also so important toward healthy brain, because the brain consumes about 20% of O2 but only 2% part from the body weight, so the brain becomes oxidative stress target. The change of glutathione metabolism also found in a number of nerve diseases, include Alzheimer, Parkinson and multiple sclerosis.
    Dose: drink this supplement to increase body glutathione level: selenium (200 mcg), vitamin C (3 g) and L. glutamine (200 mg) / day.

Note: before get supplement always consult your doctor.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Simple Steps for Skin Care: Facial in Home

The facial result sometime isn’t like our hope. Not all assistants in a beauty parlor are skilled. The good news, we can do our facial in home. Beside cheap, the result can be as good as if we do in a beauty parlor. According to the expert, good cleaning, exfoliation and moisturizing at facial in home also can improve skin texture and brightness for a while. For the acne, it is suggested to not press it, because it can push the acne to the under part and leave reddish color and needs more long time to cure. Next, the steps to facial in home:

  • Comb your hair to back and use headband. Clean up your face with your cleanser. Rinse your skin with warm water at least 10 sprinkling.
  • Fill a big pan with water. Enter 4 tea bags of chamomile tea (contains antiseptic and anti inflammatory that can tranquilize the reddish and reduce the bacteria). Boil the water. While wait the boiling water, smeared the scrub that suitable to your skin type.
  • After boiling, lift the pan from fire. Direct/point your face to the pan with the space around 1 foot with closed eyes. Make a tent above your head with your towel so the smoke can be enclosed in. Wait for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse the scrub with warm water until really clean. Dry up with press it slowly with your towel.
  • Smeared the facemask that appropriate to your skin. Lay and relax until the mask is ready to lift (about the time that suggested is according to the label in package). Rinse well and dry up with towel with massage slowly.
  • When the skin still moist, smeared the moisturizer for your skin type thinly. Oil free skin care product for oily and combination skin. For dry skin use skin care product (moisturizer) that contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin or penthenol.

The important things for your skin care

  • If your skin is dry or sensitive, use cleanser that lift the dirt without make your natural skin oil to be lost.
  • Oily skin and susceptible toward acne is appropriate with face cleanser that contains salicylic acid to helps exfoliate and open the clogged pores.
  • The combination skin is suggested to use cleanser foam gel to lift the excessive oil without dry up the skin.
  • If your skin has the broken capillary vessels in your face or reddish (rosacea), don’t do steaming. Better if dip your scrubbing towel into the pan that filled with chamomile tea. Wait until you can hold your scrubbing towel with comfortable. Then cling to your face until your scrubbing towel become cold.
  • The very dry skin is suggested to avoid the scrub. Better to smeared moisturizer cream that contains hyaluronic acid, glycerin and penthenol thinly at the dry part. Let the smoke helps its penetration.
  • For oily skin or susceptible toward acne, the dermatologist suggested to use mask that contains sulphur. Sulphur contains natural anti bacteria substance that can prevent the acne and tranquilize the reddish skin.
    To overcome the swollen eyes, use cucumber slice while scrub your face.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

How You Get 5 Portions of Fruits and Vegetables for Your Skin Care and Staying Young

We know how important fruits and vegetables to get antioxidant for our skin care. So now how we get 5 portions that has suggested by the expert? Next are the tips.
Try to experiment with new recipe or mix the fruits and vegetables to make it more interesting. Boiled vegetable isn’t too interesting but vegetable that sautéing at high temperature can be cooked more fast, delicious and maintain the nutrients. Many vegetables can be roasted. Beside paprika and tomato, try carrot, cauliflower and broccoli. Better if use olive oil. Raw vegetable like carrot can be eaten in the form of salad and sandwich complement. Or enter into casseroles and soup. Enter the fruits in pie and pudding.
If all those methods are failed, try to get vitamin supplement. But remember that pill isn’t as good as natural food and doesn’t give fiber.

Tips for best diet for skin care and staying young

  • Choose organic fruits and vegetables.
  • Eat the fresh agricultural produce in the day when buy it.
  • Eat at least 3 portions of fresh fruits per day.
  • Eat at least 3 portions of raw vegetables or steamed at a short time per day.
  • Eat raw salad per day that contains as many as possible of plants, example: baby lettuce, watercress, spinach, carrot, pea, tomato, cucumber, sweet corn, bite, broccoli, nut and grains.
  • Try to fill your plate with 4 colors, contain of green color vegetable, yellow, red and orange.
  • Cook vegetable soup and heated it only when going to eat.
  • Avoid the food that smoked and pickles that ready to buy.
  • Eat low fat diet that give lower calorie than needed so will reduce your body weight slowly.
  • Reduce the foods that comes from animal, especially red meat, replace with fish and soybean.
  • Increase your nut consumption.
  • Avoid all polyunsaturated fat, margarine, vegetables shortening and hydrogenated fat.
    Better use olive oil and rapeseed oil.
  • Consider to drinks antioxidant supplement.

Special Portion For Skin Care and Staying Young

The experts now find antioxidant foods have biggest anti aging ability. Antioxidant can be found in fruits and vegetables. That is why fruits and vegetables are called anti-aging medicine because its vitamin and minerals content do many numbers of works. At least to fight against free radicals that damage.
This free radicals are formed when O2 join with other molecules, produce high energy chemistry substances that seek something to join and cause damage that can’t returned back.
Vitamin (A, C, E) and antioxidant minerals (zinc, copper, manganese, selenium) in fruits and vegetables can stop free radicals attack. Carotenoid vitamin is effective antioxidant that contains of betacaroten (in carrot), lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthine.
According to the expert, we need to consume antioxidant regularly in a big amount. The method is: eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables everyday. Then what’s the meaning of 5 portions?

Five portions for your skin care and staying young

Portion is a terminology that used by nutritionist. The meaning isn’t always 1 piece or 1 slice. Portion here is determined by the fruit and vegetable kinds. For example: 1 apple is equivalent with 1 portion but 1 small pineapple is more than 1 portion.

One portion of fruit is equivalent with:
• 1 apple or orange or banana
• 1 big slice of melon or pineapple
• 2 small fruits (example: plum, kiwi, satsuma)
• 1 full cup of berry (raspberry, strawberry) or grape
• 2-3 tablespoon of fresh fruit salad, stewed or canned fruit
• 1 glass (150 ml) of fruit juice.

While 1 portion of vegetable is equivalent with:
• 1 full tablespoon of fresh vegetable, ripe that frozen
• 1 bowl of dessert full salad.

Vegetable and fruit are the best. Vegetable that frozen, canned and dried up is also good choice. Potato isn’t included as vegetable but is a good carbohydrate and fiber source if eaten with its shell.
If you can’t eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetable in a day, so try to eat as much as you can. Then the next article is about how you get those 5 portions.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tips for Eyes Treatment

Black glasses can helps you to hide your eyes, but this can’t be done forever. Prevent is better than overcome. These tips to help you get health and beauty eyes.

• Get much water can reduce swollen and black circle that caused by dehydration.

• Protect your smooth skin around your eyes from sunlight damage. Smeared the sunblock and use black glasses that also contain UV light protector.

• Use eye cream skin care product that special for the skin around eyes that more thin, more sensitive than other part.

• To overcome the damage that has occurred, use cream skin care product that contains Retin-A to stimulates collagen production and elastine that will refresh the skin.

• Lay stretch out can reduces the fold in the check, forehead and swollen eyes that cause the skin loose.

• Reduce the swollen in eyes with cold cucumber slice compress or tea bag that has poured with boiling water and put in the refrigerator. Beside will tranquilize, this cold compress also make you seem more fresh.

• Choose the glasses that contain UV light protector. That glasses can prevents sunlight that can break the smooth skin under your eyes.

Main Enemy of Your Beauty

Your skin care is an investment. Your skin in advanced age is the result of your skin care in young age. Be careful with these things that can influence your skin care.

SmokingSmoking will wrinkles the blood vessels, reduce O2 that inhaled, make the skin become gray and use up vitamin C that needed for collagen formation.
Cause wrinkle and fold around the mouth caused by inhale the cigarette.
Pollution influences your skin with the same way like smoking. The difference is, pollution isn’t cause the mouth became wrinkle and fold.
Dry air
Your skin is ease to thirsty and dry. Use moisturizer and prepare water spray to moisten your face skin when you are in a place with dry air.
Reduction and increase of body weight
Your skin isn’t rubber, although it is enough elastic. Skin can become loose, not tight or has stretch mark because of diet.
Pull the skin copiously
Skin care products (makeup or facial) should smear with soft caress. Pull the skin can cause skin become loose.
Cleansing or exfoliation copiously
Scrubbing towel and face scrub is designed to exfoliate the skin with clean up it. If you scrub the skin copiously, your skin will irritate.
Alcohol cause dehydration in the body, make your liver works hard and use up vitamin B in the body.
Some medicines can cause photosensitivity (sensitivity toward sunlight), dry skin even light acne.
Toxin can accumulate in the body if excrete isn’t smooth. Some toxin passes some canals and often that canal is our skin. Many drink plain water and many fibers can help to accelerate the excretion.
Copiously sunlight explode can make your skin dry, wrinkle and early aging even skin cancer.
To get the sunlight that needed for vitamin D formation, get before 10.30 a.m. or after 16.30 p.m.

Does Your Foods Make You Look Old?

The foods give a big contribution to your skin care. So with bad habits like smoking.
Certain foods can worsen and force your liver, heart and kidney to work hard. The other foods will arise inflammatory response that cause aging.
These are the foods that will support your skin care program.

  • Choose fresh fruit and vegetables
    Fruit and vegetable contain many nutrients for health skin. Eat at least 2 portions of fruits.
    To get maximum result, choose organic and local product. Fruit and vegetable that packaged attend to lose many nutrients because too long time in the supermarket rack that lighted by lamp.
    Avoid cultivated food and junk food that contain high additive chemistry, sugar and salt that worsen our body and produce free radicals.
  • Plain water
    Plain water has a big role for your skin care.
    Get around 1.5 l plain water every day. You can drink 1 l water and get the remains from your drink like herbal tea, soup, fruit juice and vegetables.
    Try to limit your tea, coffee and soft drink and alcohol consumption. These drinks can cause dehydration. Caffeine also increases cortisol hormone and insuline level that accelerate cells damage. If you can avoid it, get caffeine drink not more than 3 cups a day. For alcohol drink only 1 or 2 portions.

  • ProteinProtein deficiency can speed up aging. Get fish as a best source of quality protein. Example: salmon, mackerel and tuna, also bean, yogurt and legumes of various shorts. Avoid high saturated fat red meat that can cause high cholesterol and difficult to digested so will worsen the body.
    Limit your steak consumption and avoid cultivated meat because usually contain many salt and additive.
  • Get health fat
    Not all fat are bad. Essential fatty acid like found in grains, bean, lindseed have important role in your skin care because can maintain immune function and wholeness cells function. So it is very important for health skin.
    Avoid consume saturated fat in a big amount. Example: fatty red meat, cheese, margarine, biscuit because will worsen the body. Eat in a few ammount only.

Cucumber as Natural Skin Care

Cucumber as natural skin care can be used to get fresh and shiny face skin, also can overcome swollen eyes. Some natural skin care tips from cucumber:
Cucumber astringent

  • For reduce oil in oily skin.
    Prepare ½ part of cucumber. Remove its shells. Cut and enter into blender until refine. Smeared to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Dry up with slowly massage with towel.
  • Cucumber – avocado mask
    Gives nutrients to the skin, minimize the pore, lifts the dead skin cells.
    Put these ingredients into blender: ½ cup of cucumber that has peeled, ½ cup avocado, 1 egg, 2 teaspoon of milk powder. After refine, save in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Smeared to face and neck for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water then with cold water and dry up with towel.
  • Cleanser mask
    If you seek skin care treatment for pimply skin, try this method.
    Put in blender: ½ part of cucumber that has peeled, 1 teaspoon of milk powder, 1 teaspoon of plain yogurt. Smeared to your face. Let it for 20 minutes then rinse.
  • Cucumber for lusterless skin
    If your skin is lusterless and oily, you need this natural skin care ingredient.
    Get 1 teaspoon of cucumber slices, give a few rose water, put on your face, let for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water.
  • Overcome swollen eyes
    Slice the cucumber and put on your eyes for 15 minutes.
  • Reduce black circle under the eyes
    This natural skin care can tighten the loose skin under your eyes. There are 2 ways:
  1. Put cucumber slice under your eyes or mix it with carrot essence. Let it for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
  2. Mix cucumber slice with milk. Save in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Put on your face under your eyes for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

When You Should use Cleanser?

pingThe first step in your skin care is keeps the clean skin. Some ways to clean up your skin that have suggested now are assumed wrong. Scrub face excessively can cause sensitivity and dry skin. The best is smooth cleaning with clean hand. If in the past, we are suggested to use scrubbing towel, now a part of dermatologist are suggested to leave it. Scrubbing towel can abrasive your face and become a bacteria place.

When you have to clean up your face?
You certainly know with this role: don’t go to bed without clean up your face. The dirt that clings at the face can cause black head, white head and clogged the pore. Some dermatologists suggested to clean the face up for 2 times: in the morning and the night. Clean up the face in the morning may depend on your choice, but clean up the face in the night is compulsory.
The other expert suggested that cleaning frequency is depends on lifestyle. You can clean up your face in the morning if you exercise or much sweaty or use night cream skin care product.
If you clean up your face in the morning, to save your time, you can do it with take bath. Use special cleanser for face. The body soap and cleanser can make your face dry and irritate.

The Steps to Clean up the Face

Good cleaning is a part of your whole skin care.

  • Wash your hand to avoid bacteria and dirt.
  • Wet your face completely with warm water. Avoid hot water because can lose natural oil skin protector.
  • Pour your cleanser. With your fingers tip massage your cleanser slowly with circle movement.
  • Start from forehead, nose and check. Rub slowly in a proper time, not less than 20 seconds and not more than 1 minute.
  • Rinse your face with water repeatedly.
  • Dry up with clean and smooth towel with press the towel without rub it.
  • Give moisturizer to your skin to lock the water inside.

Skin care tips
If you use anti dandruff shampoo, wash your face after take a bath, because anti dandruff shampoo contains salicylic acid or sulphur that can irritate your skin.

Natural Cheap Skin Care to Get Healthy Skin

smiThese are natural ingredients that cheap and good to support your skin care.

  • Garlic
    Contains sulphur as natural antibiotic and clean up the whole body system. To avoid mouth smell, chew parsley. Or choose odorless garlic tablet. Consult with your doctor.
  • Vitamin C
    Our body can’t make and save it. Vitamin C helps to form collagen that will keep young skin and tight. Vitamin C is best if consume with bioflavonoid, both have synergic effect. Can be found in berry fruits and brocolli.
  • Brocolli
    Also contains vitamin A that against infection from inside. Best for pimply skin.
  • Carrot
    Carotenoid source, include betacaroten that by body is changed to vitamin A. Betacaroten is absorbed into the skin and can protects your skin from UV light. Also contains alpha carotene that protects skin from free radicals damage. Eat carrot also the good way to get vitamin A because the excess of carotenoid is taken out from the body. Too much vitamin A is toxic for our body.
  • Green leaf vegetable
    Zinc source that make your skin get enough O2 and zinc is good to overcome acne. Found in kale and spinach.
  • Parsley
    Parsley is rich of nutrient that good for skin. Also contain betacarotene, chlorophyl, vitamin B12, folic acid (for tight skin), vitamin C and zinc.
  • Olive oil
    Good for your skin care especially for dry and wrinkle skin. Contains unsaturated fatty acid and antioxidant. Smeared to your skin after bath.
  • Flaxseed and flax oil
    Also known as lindseed. Good for your skin care because contains omega-3 oil that can’t be found in many foods. Flaxseed contains fiber and phytoestrogen that balance body hormone to make skin young.
  • Avocado
    Good for dry skin. Although has high fat but that is single unsaturated fat that will make dry skin become refine. Contain glutathione, an effective antioxidant to prevent cell damage for all skin types. Also contain high of potassium.
  • Plain water
    Get much plain water to helps take out the toxin and moisten the skin.
  • Protein
    To replace and repair cells. Choose low fat protein trough milk, cheese, nut jam, thin meat and fish.
  • Fruit and vegetable
    If you eat many junk food, get a certain day to eat healthy food and plain water. Then, increase it day by day.

Do you need vitamin and supplement for your skin care?

Some experts have opinion that all vitamin and mineral that we need can be got from the food. But the others say that supplement is important because this time our daily life is full of stress that use up vitamin B, smoke will use up vitamin C then long time food storage also reduces natural vitamin in food.
In relation with our skin care, pollution and some bad habits like eat junk food and smoking will produce free radicals in the body that cause skin aging. To neutralize those free radicals, we need antioxidant that found in betacaroten (for example) that in our body will be changed to vitamin A. We also need vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, lycopene and zinc.
Consult with your doctor before get supplement.

How to Get Extra Effective Skin Care from Your Sunscreen?

Susie knows, her nose is susceptible toward sunburn. So she regularly smeared sunscreen at that part before go outside, to the beach or swimming. How shock her when the doctor diagnoses that there are pre cancer cells on her nose. Moreover, there is a mistake that she has done: doesn’t smeared sunscreen every 2 hours. The good news is: now the expert finds the other way to make our sunscreen become more effective.

  • Smeared vitamin C and vitamin E skin care cream
    Smeared moisturizer that contains vitamin C and E under your sunscreen can increase sunscreen effectiveness until 400% according to American Academy of Dermatology.
  • Eat carrot
    Eat 1 carrot everyday for 12 weeks will give enough betacaroten to increase natural SPF that only 2.4. The result is sunburn risk is 29% lower.
  • Avoid the common mistake
    Smeared your sunscreen and repeat it in not enough amount is the common mistake. The expert suggests to use about ½ teaspoon per 12 inch of skin. The good news is, the expensive skin care product isn’t always means that that product is better than the cheap one. It is important to smear your sunscreen and always remember to repeat it.

Choose Cleanser According to Your Skin Type

The wrong choice of your skin care product can cause skin problem. One method to know whether a cleanser is good for your skin is watch on its foam. When you rub it to your face, more much its foam it is mean that product can make your skin dry.
Now, many cleansers can be found in the market, in the form of bar until lotion and gel. Choose according to your skin type.

  • Normal skin
    Choose foam. This skin care formula is suitable for all skin types, except for too sensitive skin. Choose that contains smooth exfoliant and glycerine to prevent the dampness. If your skin is normal to dry, choose cleanser foam that contains moisturizer like hexylene glycol. If your skin is normal to oily, use foam that contains alpha hydroxy acids to lift the oil.
  • Oily skin or the skin that susceptible toward acne
    Choose foaming gel. Gel is more aggressive than other cleanser that will tie the dirt particles and oil and clean it. If your skin is oily or pimply, use gel skin care product with beta hydroxy acid or benzol peroxide.
  • Sensitive skin
    Use bar. This skin care product only contains a little ingredient that evokes foam. The weakness is: can be bacteria place. To prevent it, rinse the soap after use then save in the airtight place.
  • Normal to dry skin
    Use lotion. Now, many lotions contain smooth substance to lift dead skin cells and emmolient like glycerine and cetyl alcohol (an alcohol that doesn’t make the skin become dry and came from natural oil).
  • Dry and sensitive skin
    Use cream cleanser. Now many cream cleanser contain substances that can composure the skin like aloe vera and chamomile. Choose that contains moisturizer ingredient, like cetearyl alcohol.

How to know your skin type
To choose the proper form of skin care product, you need to know your skin type.
Try to wash your face with cleanser that suitable for normal skin. Dry it. Wait for 20 minutes and watch your skin. If your skin shiny, it mean yours in oily skin. But if felt tight, pulled when you smile, and your finger felt dragging than slide when moves on your face, it means you have dry skin. If after 20 minutes your skin experiences no changes, so your skin is normal.