Friday, March 23, 2007

Look Younger with Natural Skin Care Treatment

Want look younger? You shouldn’t only consider to injection or surgical operation. The simple change in your life can do. Next, natural skin care tips to keep your skin beautiful.

  • Get effective enzyme
    You can do raw vegetable diet. According to the expert, the food in natural condition contain special enzyme that arouse energy and make the useful nutrient more ease to reach the skin. Try 1 or 2 days eat raw food, such as fruit juice, salad, nut that isn’t fried or toasted. You will felt different.
  • Brush your body to increase circulation
    Before take a bath in the morning, brush your body with natural ingredient feather to increase circulation and lift dead cells. According to some studies, it will cause efficient fat metabolism that help to overcome cellulite.
  • Get chromium
    Some expert say this mineral is difficult to find in foods, even from super food like brocolli, barley, heart, lobster, wheat, shrimp and mushroom. Chromium can balance blood sugar, increase thin body mass and increase ageless hormone production, ‘DEHA’. The result is stronger memory, better immune response and bone.
  • Try ginseng
    Help brain from free radicals, reduce stress and overcome sleep problem.
  • Eat seaweed
    Seaweed has equal composition with blood plasma, rich of nutrients and minerals. Good for skin care because it can help for detoxification, moist and give nutrition to the skin, fight against free radicals.
  • Walking
    Walking as much as possible to help to give O2 to the body and increase blood stream.
  • Assuage stress
    Stress cause aging process more fast 10 years.
  • Many drink plain water
    Get 1,8 l water per day.
  • Bathe with essential oil
    Add 5 drops frankincense oil to your bathe water. Or add at your face cream to overcome wrinkle at eye skin.
  • Strengthen the muscle
    One of the causes of aging is carnosine loss, a natural compound in the muscle that will decrease when getting old. Eat chicken breast, thin beef, duck and turkey.
  • Drink vitamin supplement
    A study in France shows vitamin A, C and E supplement help to prevent some skin aging changes and skin damage because of sunshine.
  • Anti aging diet
    Best anti aging diet are 50% vegetables, 20% protein, 20% fruits and 10% rice.
  • Eat many proteins
    Eat many proteins that important for collagen and elastin production. Make sure 15-20% of your diet is protein. Good protein source are thin meat, fish, egg, cheese, bean, soybean and lentil.
  • Increase antioxidant
    Anti aging foods help to absorb free radicals that increase aging process. Eat orange, plum, red wine, raspberry, cherry, kiwi, pink grapefruit, blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, prune, sweet potato creeps, tomato, alfalfa sprouts, brocolli, bit, red paprika and green leaf vegetables.
  • Eat nut
    Only eat 1 brazil nut a day will get enough selenium, one of natural anti aging ingredients. Selenium is important for beauty skin.
  • Stop smoking
    Smoking will reduce O2 to skin and trigger enzyme that broken collagen.
  • Avoid sugar
    Sugar actually isn’t good for your skin care because will make your skin became old such as it because of smoking and sunlight damage.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Some Good Habits for Your Skin Care

Skin need some habits to keep it’s healthy. Next some good treatments in your skin care program.

  • Use sunscreen everyday. Sunshine explanation just in 10-15 minutes can causes wrinkle and hyper pigmentation. The worst, can cause skin cancer. Dab wide spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 to your skin face everyday.
  • If you use makeup, clean it before wash your skin face. Don’t just rely on your face cleanser to do double tasks. First, clean makeup with cleansing milk, then wash with foam to make bacteria disappear.
  • Keep away your hand from your face to avoid dirt transfer.
    Use makeup only in the place that needs. Avoid clog your pores and give place for bacteria to grow and cause acne.
  • Use hair comb with natural ingredient on its feathers. So your hair will healthy with spread natural oil from scalp to hair tip.

Consider to applying those good habits to give a plus in your skin care treatment.