Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bad Habits for Your Skin Care

Some bad habits aren’t good for your skin care program. The good news is, there are easy ways to correct the consequences that have happened to your face skin. If you need some skin care tips on your certain problem, may this info can help you.

  • Go to sleep without cleaning face or make up
    Maybe there are acnes in your face skin, because the skin is sweat when we sleep so the bacteria will be enclosed in your skin.
    You can lift your flake skin that contains dirt with soft exfoliant skin care product in mask form. For pull the dirt from your pores use clay mask. At least use face tissues before sleep if you feel lazy to clean your face skin.
  • Press the acne
    You can get infection, because the bacteria can spread under the skin and evoke more acne.
    If want to take your acne outside, prior to steam your face then wrap your finger tip with tissue and give slow pressing at both sides of acne. Then dab skin care anti-bacteria product.
  • Sleep lateness
    Your eyes will swell, as your body sign to defend water because tire.
    Dab skin care product for face that contains cafein, one of natural diuretic to pull water out from skin. Do light sport. If still swollen, compress with cold cucumber. Or use eyepads to help to release the water.