Friday, April 20, 2007

Choose the Proper Skin Care Product to Clean Your Skin

Recently, many skin care products are found in the market. According to the expert, there are many ways to clean face from dirt and oil. But the best way to choose skin care product is based on skin type and your life style.

  • Face cleanser soap
    Many expert suggest to not using soap to clean face. Cleanser without soap or soap free may used to clean face, depend on skin sensitivity, called syndet. Beauty soap (beauty bar), mild cleansing bar and sensitive skin bar are examples of syndet. Also syntetic detergent that has pH more low. Cleanser with pH more high, more alkaline, maybe will break natural protector layer of face skin. This product can’t lift oil and dirt from very oily skin. Most liquid face cleanser include in this kind.
  • Free oil cleanser
    Liquid free oil cleanser is liquid product that clean without use oil or fat. Best for very dry skin or sensitive skin. But not very effective to lift environment dirt and oil and only suggested for get minimal cleansing.
    Ingredients that found in this skin care product are glycerin, cetyl alcohol, steary alcohol, sodium laurel and sulfate.
    Leave thin moist layer so it isn’t appropriate for acne skin.
  • Cream cleanser
    Cream cleanser is very popular among advance age when this cream was the only alternative in the past. Most of cleanser cream contain water, mineral oil, petrolatum and wax so it is appropriate for dry skin. Cream cleanser is one pleasant step to lift cosmetics with clean face.
  • Abbrasive scrub
    Abbrasive scrub contain variety ingredients that not only will clean face but also give exfoliate until certain level. Exfoliate will make skin more soft. But the problem is big scrub grains can cause irritation, reddish or small wound at face. The most abbrasive scrub contain ingredients like aluminium oxide particles and fruit seeds. This particle with coarse edge isn’t appropriate for sensitive skin. But, most skin type can accept light face scrub that contain polyethylene that smooth and round or sodium tetraborate decahydrate, grains that smooth and dissolve when used.

Natural Supplement for Skin Care

Your skin needs many nutrient for regeneration, so our skin will appear bright and tight. For getting good, young and health skin, we need some nutrients that useful for skin care.

  • Essential fatty acid
    The skin needs good fatty acid such as omega-3 and omega-6. This oil helps skin againts acne, eczema and others.
    Omega-3 can be got from cold water fish and flaxseed oil and also supplement.
    Omega-6 from evening primrose oil or borage oil. The other sources are egg, bird, some vegetable oils and wheat bread.
  • Antioxidant for skin care
    Deficiency of zinc can retard wound recovery or active acne. Zinc helps skin growth and regeneration. Zinc can be found in egg, meat and wheat germ.
  • Iodine
    Help thyroid to run proper function. Less of iodine cause dry hair and other skin condition. Can be found in seafood and salt that given with iodine.
  • Selenium
    Antioxidant that works with vitamin E to make our skin young. Can be found in fish, whole grain and innards (entrails as food).
  • Potassium
    Help your skin tight and regeneration. Can be found in potato, banana, whole grain and green leaf vegetables.
  • Phosphorus
    For health skin and bone. Rich protein food give us this nutrient.
  • Zinc
    Give energy. Work with other mineral to produce haemoglobine in the blood. Choose green leaf vegetables and meat.
  • Copper
    Important for skin elasticity and tightness, also help nerve system. Can be found in green leaf vegetables and seafod.
  • Calcium
    Very important for women, for health teeth and bone, hormonal balance and skin care. Find in milk, milk product, include cheese, brocolli, soybean product and sardine.
  • Chromium
    Chromium againts acne because decrease infection. Get in the form of chromium iodinate or chromium polynicotinate.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Detox for Beautiful Skin

Everyday, about 0,5 toxin are taken out from the body in the form of sweat, through the skin. The excretion with this way only possible to occur if the pore, the place where the sweat take out, isn’t clogged. The other organs that also important for detoxification are liver, kidney and lung. The blood also important, bring the gas like CO2 to the lung and then replace it with O2 through respiration. Liver and kidney help to detox the blood with take outside the rubbish in the form of liquid and solid rubbish.

The benefit of detoxification for the skin
Skin is protection layer that can be penetrated. The product that dabbed to the skin can enter the body through this protector. Toxin can leave the body through the skin. Free radicals and UV light in the environment also can damage the skin, finally show aging skin signs.
Everyday our skin cells regeneration when old skin cells are dead and the new skin cells created. When the age getting old, this procces become slower. So, dead skin cells that phussed to the skin surface are difficult to flee and accumulate at the skin, make the skin seems lusterless. This accumulation clogs the pore so make the toxin is difficult to take out from the cells.
The best way to detoxification are: eat the balance diet, regular and measured exercise, exfoliate, use the organic product. Before do the detoxification, consult with your doctor. The pregnant women can’t do it.

  • Eat the balance diet for skin care
    Nutrient that needed to get good skin are essential fatty acid, antioxidant vitamin C, E and betacaroten, zinc and selenium, vitamin B6 and vitamin A, potassium and water.
    Certain food contain nutrient that can take out the toxin from body, like: apple, avocado, artichoke, cruciferous vegetarian, garlic, ciwi, prune, seaweed, watercress, asparagus, banana, serealia bran, brazil nut, carrot, egg, tofu.
  • Avoid sugar, alcohol, cafein and nicotine
    As possible, avoid sugar for your skin care program. Sugar can increase free radicals that can cause skin aging, heart disease and cancer. Cosume sugar not more than 40 gr/day.
  • Exfoliation
    Exfoliation is one of skin care program because skin cells are continually grow and release. Dead skin cells are accumulated at upper epidermis, make your skin appear lusterless. Exfoliation can stimulate skin growth. Natural exfoliation can be done with: lift with scrubbing towel, use organic scrub when take a bath and use scrubbing towel when take a bath.
  • Regular and measured exercise
    Regular exerciuse is a part of skin care program because it can enter O2 into the body and skin. O2 will decrease damage effect frm free radicals and early aging.
    Be sweaty will push toxin releasing from the skin.
  • Reduce stress
    Reduce stress is important for detoxification for your skin care. Reducing stress can be done with: light sport, reduce your coffee consumption, get carbohydrate for lunch, get vitamin B, walking 10 minutes can help detox, sleep 8 hours a day and others.
  • Get supplement
    Certain supplement can help some damages because of unproper detoxification, it will good for your skin care. Example: vitamin B12 helps build cells in the lung, vitamin B3 open the cells that broken by nicotine.

Tomato as Your Nature Skin Care

Tomato that known with its lycopene, guessed can prevent wrinkle and black spot caused by sunlight. Since a long time, dermatologist said that 80% of wrinkle caused by sunlight. Lycopene, one of the effective antioxidant, can stop aging process that caused by sunlight explode.
A study in Germany shows, eat tomato paste that rich of lycopene reduces skin damage caused by sunlight dramatically.
Lycopene is antioxidant that very effective to prevent skin damage caused by free radicals.

How to add tomato in your diet

  • Add some tomato that cooked in your menu. Example: spaghetti, pizza, tomato soup, salsa and others.
  • If possible, choose tomato that cooked than raw tomato, because cook processing will increase lycopene level until 4 times.
  • Add slices of raw tomato in sandwich and hamburger with tomato paste.
  • Drink 1 glass of tomato juice everyday than orange juice. Beside get lycopene, you also get vitamin C.
  • For they who don’t like tomato, can use lycopene supplement. Consult with your doctor first.

Lycopene also popular with its merit to prevent cancer.

Cosmetic Age

Your cosmetic can’t be kept for a long time. If your rack is full with cosmetics that often used, it is time to choose, which is good and which should throw away.

  • Lenghten the skin care product age
    Most of cosmetic products have age within 12-18 months even only 6-12 months for some products like mascara, foundation and eyebrow pencil.
    To lenghten your skin care product, don’t touch it with hand. Use small brush and make up sponge. This way will prevent the bacteria take the new placee and create the small community in the cosmetic.
    Wash makeup aplicator at least once a week. You can use rub alcohol at sintetic brush feather. For natural brush feather and sponge, wash with water and soap. Let it dry.
  • Skin care product age
    Most of skin care products, except if only contain natural ingredient, can endure about 1 year.
    Usually skin care product that used everyday will finish within 1-6 month. Everything in your rack for more than a year must be throwed away.
    Avoid the skin care product toward direct sunlight. Make sure its cover is tight. Wash the hand well before dab the product to the skin. Take the cream with spatula can lenghten product age and stop contamination. Product that aren’t contain preservation only can be kept within 1 week-3 months.