Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Choose the Anti Wrinkle And Aging Skin Care Product

Recently, cosmetic markets are fulfilled with varying anti aging or anti wrinkle skin care product. How to choose? The key is: pay attention to your main skin problem. Example: smooth lines, lusterless skin, skin color difference with reddish part on it because of inflammation and others. Then choose the proper skin care product for you. Next, the compounds that commonly used in anti wrinkle or anti aging skin care product.

  • Retinol and retinoids
    Retinoid based cream or vitamin A take the first place of anti aging skin care product. The common side effect of this cream usage is red face skin and scaly. But, now the new skin care product without this risk is available. A part of this cream must be bought with doctor recommendation. But now the free products of this cream also available. This skin care product is smoother, so that need more long time to see the result. This compound can stimulate collagen production, a protein that fill and thicken the skin so can helps to refine the wrinkle.
  • Alpha or beta hydroxy acid
    According to a dermatologist, exfoliant like hydroxy acid, alpha or beta, will not give drastic change, but still an important part in skin care program. This natural acid (found in the plant and certain fruits) will accelerate outer skin cells peeling so the skin layer under it that more smooth and flat will appear.
  • Copper
    Copper is the important mineral for collagen formation. A research shows copper peptide helps the networks regeneration with stimulate new blood vessels formation and collagen synthesis, increase the growth in the elastic fiber networks that defend the skin elasticity.
  • Antioxidant
    One of the most effective ingredients in anti aging skin care product is antioxidant, compound that can eradicate free radicals, a non-stabile molecule caused by pollution, smoke and sunshine explode. This free radicals create many bad effect to the skin, start from hyper pigmentation (black flex and skin blackening) until skin cancer.
  • Antioxidant is a skin best friend because protects the skin from free radicals that cause aging, increase skin immune system so that the skin will protect itself better.
    One of the common used antioxidant is vitamin C, while the others are grape seed extract and vitamin E.

The skin care product form
The active ingredient in skin care product arrives in our skin in many ways that formulated in varying product.

  • Serum
    This high potent liquid will be absorbed directly in a short time and can be used under the other creams.
  • Cream
    Use this formula if you have dry skin because this product will more moisten.
  • Patches

Monday, May 14, 2007

Example of Face Massage for Skin Care

First article is about massage for your face. These are the example of face massage.

  • Practice this 2 massage
    Massage 1

    Put both of your ring fingers at inner corner of your eyes (point 1). Press slowly for 3 seconds. Release the pressure and move the fingers slowly under the eyes to the temples (point 8). When arrive to the temples, massage slowly in circle movement. Move the fingers slowly to the inner of eye corner again. Repeat 7 times.
    Massage 2
    Put the middle finger of right hand to the base of the nose (point 2). Move to the up and to the under of the nose tip (point 3) and back to the up for 10 times. Then use the middle finger tip of both of the hands, press slowly the face at the point which both of the check meet with nose hole (point 4).
    Release the pressure and with small circle movement, massage slowly along the line to the forehead. Follow the bone structure under the eyes. Do for 10 seconds. Massage the temples for 5 seconds and move the finger back to the start point with same way. Repeat 5 times.

  • Massage all the face
    Use your fingers massage start from the middle part of the chin with circle movement to along the jaw line then from the up of the lip to the ear and from behind of the nose to along the check bone.

  • Massage the forehead
    Put the finger in the middle of the forehead. Move slowly with a little pressure to the temples direct. Then back to the middle part. Repeat 2 times.

  • Massage the eye area
    Start from the temples, move your finger follow the eyes hole bone at the under part of eyes, then to the bridge of nose and along the eyebrow. Then massage again from the temples.