Monday, March 19, 2007

Some Good Habits for Your Skin Care

Skin need some habits to keep it’s healthy. Next some good treatments in your skin care program.

  • Use sunscreen everyday. Sunshine explanation just in 10-15 minutes can causes wrinkle and hyper pigmentation. The worst, can cause skin cancer. Dab wide spectrum sunscreen with SPF 15 to your skin face everyday.
  • If you use makeup, clean it before wash your skin face. Don’t just rely on your face cleanser to do double tasks. First, clean makeup with cleansing milk, then wash with foam to make bacteria disappear.
  • Keep away your hand from your face to avoid dirt transfer.
    Use makeup only in the place that needs. Avoid clog your pores and give place for bacteria to grow and cause acne.
  • Use hair comb with natural ingredient on its feathers. So your hair will healthy with spread natural oil from scalp to hair tip.

Consider to applying those good habits to give a plus in your skin care treatment.

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