Tuesday, April 3, 2007

The Good Beauty Suggestions for Your Skin Care Treatment

A part of beauty suggestion about skin care that we often hear obviously only a myth. Next are the good beauty suggestions for skin care.

  • Be patience with skin care
    Don't fast capitulate with a skin care product only because the result isn’t seen soon. Most of skin care products need time at least 2 until 3 weeks to begin to show the merit.
  • Overcame your acne with natural way
    Dab organic pure yogurt to skin that has been cleaned. Let it for several minutes to kill the acne cause bacteria. For cure your acne, refine an aspirin that contains salicylid acid. Give a drop of water to make pasta. Then dab only to your acne. If your skin reacts, wash it soon.
  • Increase circulation
    Brush the body use strong hairy brush in circle movement, start from your leg to up every morning. Brush the body in dry condition will increase the circulation and exfoliate the dry skin.
  • Submerged without moist the skin
    To gain the merit that relax from submerged bathe without make your skin became dry, dab oil on the body before come into the tub.
  • The health nail secret is in its cuticle
    To keep your nail health and free from bacteria, push back every morning and dab the cuticle cream the way you brush your teeth every morning and night.
  • Refine the leg
    Exfoliate the leg 2 times a month with leg scrub and after that dab the shea butter cream. Wrap the leg with plastic pocket. Then wear sock. Let it for 15 minutes. Then release and dry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is everything they are not - a permanent real solution to skin care. baby eczema