Beautiful and Ageless Skin with Internal and External Skin Care
The studies show that growth skin cells take vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acid from blood stream continually. These nutrients are needed by growth cells, so can be formed perfectly when arrive in the skin surface. The cells that formed perfectly will produce smooth, soft, moist and beautiful skin. Deficiency of nutrients will disturb skin cells ability to achieve full growth state, so cause coarse, dry, scaly skin or arise some skin problem. Only dab cream and lotion or other skin care product can’t improve these problems permanently. Indeed, lotion, cream and skin care product will give benefit until certain skin layer. But it can’t give the important nutrient to deeper skin layer, that needed to produce healthy and beauty skin. Next, some skin care tips:
- Give the good fat
The main key to improve the skin refinement and softness is by give the body essential fatty acid that needed to make special hormone in the skin called prostaglandin. The prostaglandin hormone number and kind that formed in the growth skin cells will determine how soft and refine your skin.
Studies show that prostaglandin hormone is made from non saturated fat that we eat or get from supplement. This essential fatty acid is carried by the blood stream to the growth skin cells. In the growth skin cells omega-3 fat (from black currant, borage seed and evening primrose oil) will be changed soon became prostaglandin that make the skin soft and refine.
Unfortunately, most of us consume non saturated fat that produce prostaglandin PG-2 hormone that make the skin became more coarse, dry, scaly and less moist compare with it should be. So we are suggested to consume low fat animal product such as chicken, turkey, fish, nonfat milk and yogurt and cheese that contains milk fat less than 4%. Besides, supplement with flaxseed, GLA and fish oil everyday. It will be also good if we consume olive oil, canola oil and peanut oil than other vegetable oils to help to decrease non saturated fat intake.
To change this essential fat became prostaglandin hormone in the wanted kind and number, also needed special vitamins and minerals to produce biochemistry reaction that can produce prostaglandin hormone. Drink multi vitamin or high potential mineral everyday can help to make sure you get these important nutrients for your skin care. - Retard aging with antioxidant
The skin cells that growing contains oxygen that can be changed to free radicals after absorb the energy from UV light from sunlight. Free radicals also produced in the body if you smoking or drink some glass of alcohol in 24 hours. These free radicals damage many parts of skin cells so that will speed up aging, increase wrinkle growth even increase skin cancer risk.
Same with other cells in our body, skin cells also contain antioxidant enzyme that remove and neutralize free radicals, help protect skin cells from damage. Unfortunately, this enzyme can’t prevent skin damage because of UV light only by itself, and need food antioxidant addition, like vitamin A, C and E, beta caroten, selenium and zinc. Research shows, people that drink antioxidant supplement experience skin inflammation depreciation, sunburn reaction and other skin damage compare with they who don’t get antioxidant supplement.
Besides protect our skin from external factor like reduce UV light explode, wear cloth that protect and use skin care lotion product that enriched with antioxidant with SPF 15 or more, the scientific proof is very suggested us to get high antioxidant in multivitamin formula. The suggested dosage is 1.000 mg of vitamin C, 400 IU of vitamin E, 10.000 IU of beta caroten, 2.500 IU vitamin A, 15 mg of zinc and 100 mg selenium. - Moist the skin
Hyaluronic acid (HA) is natural compound that produced by skin cells that many found in young skin, in dermis and epidermis. HA is used for keep the skin elastic, soft, tighten and moist. HA seems also used for water magnet in the skin, pull water molecules from blood stream. So, HA has special ability for keep the skin moist, young, elastic and soften the wrinkle lines in skin surface.
After pass 20 years of age, the skin will lose its ability to form HA in optimum number, that significantly cause skin aging. In 50th, HA number will reduce up to half.
Clinical test shows, topical HA usage with ultra pure level can complement the skin with more young level HA. This unique HA form can reach all skin layers include the most deep dermis layer. Once dabbed, HA will improve the skin softness and appearance soon. If dabbed continually, will produce significant changes and durable.
HA is best dabbed in the morning, before make up and in the night after cleaning face but before dab the night cream. HA is also antioxidant that helps prevent skin damage from free radicals from UV light.
The also important thing is moist the skin. Water is needed by every cell in the body for fertilizing and take out the rubbish from the body. For moist the skin from inside, drink 8 glasses or more water in a day. - Enough sleep
When sleep the skin cells will growth and get its treatment and repairing. Get at least 8 hours or more of sleep. Less from that will emerge stress in the body and tire can aggravate the skin problems like acne and produce the less clean skin.
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