Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cosmetic Age

Your cosmetic can’t be kept for a long time. If your rack is full with cosmetics that often used, it is time to choose, which is good and which should throw away.

  • Lenghten the skin care product age
    Most of cosmetic products have age within 12-18 months even only 6-12 months for some products like mascara, foundation and eyebrow pencil.
    To lenghten your skin care product, don’t touch it with hand. Use small brush and make up sponge. This way will prevent the bacteria take the new placee and create the small community in the cosmetic.
    Wash makeup aplicator at least once a week. You can use rub alcohol at sintetic brush feather. For natural brush feather and sponge, wash with water and soap. Let it dry.
  • Skin care product age
    Most of skin care products, except if only contain natural ingredient, can endure about 1 year.
    Usually skin care product that used everyday will finish within 1-6 month. Everything in your rack for more than a year must be throwed away.
    Avoid the skin care product toward direct sunlight. Make sure its cover is tight. Wash the hand well before dab the product to the skin. Take the cream with spatula can lenghten product age and stop contamination. Product that aren’t contain preservation only can be kept within 1 week-3 months.

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