Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tomato as Your Nature Skin Care

Tomato that known with its lycopene, guessed can prevent wrinkle and black spot caused by sunlight. Since a long time, dermatologist said that 80% of wrinkle caused by sunlight. Lycopene, one of the effective antioxidant, can stop aging process that caused by sunlight explode.
A study in Germany shows, eat tomato paste that rich of lycopene reduces skin damage caused by sunlight dramatically.
Lycopene is antioxidant that very effective to prevent skin damage caused by free radicals.

How to add tomato in your diet

  • Add some tomato that cooked in your menu. Example: spaghetti, pizza, tomato soup, salsa and others.
  • If possible, choose tomato that cooked than raw tomato, because cook processing will increase lycopene level until 4 times.
  • Add slices of raw tomato in sandwich and hamburger with tomato paste.
  • Drink 1 glass of tomato juice everyday than orange juice. Beside get lycopene, you also get vitamin C.
  • For they who don’t like tomato, can use lycopene supplement. Consult with your doctor first.

Lycopene also popular with its merit to prevent cancer.

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