Sunday, April 29, 2007

How to Get Extra Effective Skin Care from Your Sunscreen?

Susie knows, her nose is susceptible toward sunburn. So she regularly smeared sunscreen at that part before go outside, to the beach or swimming. How shock her when the doctor diagnoses that there are pre cancer cells on her nose. Moreover, there is a mistake that she has done: doesn’t smeared sunscreen every 2 hours. The good news is: now the expert finds the other way to make our sunscreen become more effective.

  • Smeared vitamin C and vitamin E skin care cream
    Smeared moisturizer that contains vitamin C and E under your sunscreen can increase sunscreen effectiveness until 400% according to American Academy of Dermatology.
  • Eat carrot
    Eat 1 carrot everyday for 12 weeks will give enough betacaroten to increase natural SPF that only 2.4. The result is sunburn risk is 29% lower.
  • Avoid the common mistake
    Smeared your sunscreen and repeat it in not enough amount is the common mistake. The expert suggests to use about ½ teaspoon per 12 inch of skin. The good news is, the expensive skin care product isn’t always means that that product is better than the cheap one. It is important to smear your sunscreen and always remember to repeat it.

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