Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Steps to Clean up the Face

Good cleaning is a part of your whole skin care.

  • Wash your hand to avoid bacteria and dirt.
  • Wet your face completely with warm water. Avoid hot water because can lose natural oil skin protector.
  • Pour your cleanser. With your fingers tip massage your cleanser slowly with circle movement.
  • Start from forehead, nose and check. Rub slowly in a proper time, not less than 20 seconds and not more than 1 minute.
  • Rinse your face with water repeatedly.
  • Dry up with clean and smooth towel with press the towel without rub it.
  • Give moisturizer to your skin to lock the water inside.

Skin care tips
If you use anti dandruff shampoo, wash your face after take a bath, because anti dandruff shampoo contains salicylic acid or sulphur that can irritate your skin.

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