Monday, April 30, 2007

Main Enemy of Your Beauty

Your skin care is an investment. Your skin in advanced age is the result of your skin care in young age. Be careful with these things that can influence your skin care.

SmokingSmoking will wrinkles the blood vessels, reduce O2 that inhaled, make the skin become gray and use up vitamin C that needed for collagen formation.
Cause wrinkle and fold around the mouth caused by inhale the cigarette.
Pollution influences your skin with the same way like smoking. The difference is, pollution isn’t cause the mouth became wrinkle and fold.
Dry air
Your skin is ease to thirsty and dry. Use moisturizer and prepare water spray to moisten your face skin when you are in a place with dry air.
Reduction and increase of body weight
Your skin isn’t rubber, although it is enough elastic. Skin can become loose, not tight or has stretch mark because of diet.
Pull the skin copiously
Skin care products (makeup or facial) should smear with soft caress. Pull the skin can cause skin become loose.
Cleansing or exfoliation copiously
Scrubbing towel and face scrub is designed to exfoliate the skin with clean up it. If you scrub the skin copiously, your skin will irritate.
Alcohol cause dehydration in the body, make your liver works hard and use up vitamin B in the body.
Some medicines can cause photosensitivity (sensitivity toward sunlight), dry skin even light acne.
Toxin can accumulate in the body if excrete isn’t smooth. Some toxin passes some canals and often that canal is our skin. Many drink plain water and many fibers can help to accelerate the excretion.
Copiously sunlight explode can make your skin dry, wrinkle and early aging even skin cancer.
To get the sunlight that needed for vitamin D formation, get before 10.30 a.m. or after 16.30 p.m.

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