Sunday, April 29, 2007

When You Should use Cleanser?

pingThe first step in your skin care is keeps the clean skin. Some ways to clean up your skin that have suggested now are assumed wrong. Scrub face excessively can cause sensitivity and dry skin. The best is smooth cleaning with clean hand. If in the past, we are suggested to use scrubbing towel, now a part of dermatologist are suggested to leave it. Scrubbing towel can abrasive your face and become a bacteria place.

When you have to clean up your face?
You certainly know with this role: don’t go to bed without clean up your face. The dirt that clings at the face can cause black head, white head and clogged the pore. Some dermatologists suggested to clean the face up for 2 times: in the morning and the night. Clean up the face in the morning may depend on your choice, but clean up the face in the night is compulsory.
The other expert suggested that cleaning frequency is depends on lifestyle. You can clean up your face in the morning if you exercise or much sweaty or use night cream skin care product.
If you clean up your face in the morning, to save your time, you can do it with take bath. Use special cleanser for face. The body soap and cleanser can make your face dry and irritate.

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